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disingenuous push vs divine pull

Fear vs. Intuition: How do you tell the difference? Once you start to turn inward for your truth and direction, inevitably there’s the task of discerning between the narration of your fear-based ego and the divine wisdom of your intuition.

There are a few ways to tell them apart, one of which is paying attention to how the message is delivered. Fear is the chatty-cathy voice in your head carrying on and on and on. It will rarely stop talking without your conscious intervention as it presents the arguments for its position in a repeating loop, persistently trying to compel you into doing (or not doing) something.

In order to hear intuition you have to get quiet. Usually its insight is concise and to the point—on average using only a few words or a sentence or two at most. Intuition doesn’t feel like it’s trying to sell you on something, rather it’s simply connecting you to what feels like your own inherent knowing.

You can make room for accessing intuition more readily through the process of meditation, which is largely the practice of not being so attached to all the noisy chatter in your head. You can also access it by simply sitting still, taking a deep breath and asking your highest consciousness, heart, god, whatever resonates with you: “What is my loving truth right now?”

Fear generally motivates more talking, more seeking information outside of yourself, and more restlessness and agitation. Whereas guidance from your intuition will only feel surprising or uncomfortable if it requires you to consider or do things that are outside of what you currently allow yourself. When you connect with intuition there won’t be any confusion about what the most authentic you would choose, it will only be a question of whether you’re going to take action in alignment with your soul rather than try to take refuge in the mandates of your ego.



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