you're never less
There’s no value in feeding anxiety about the doom triggered by alleged shortcomings, missteps or failures. Saddle up to those fears—past,
you've got this
It’s the assumption that some of the basic tenants of being human are WRONG, combined with running, avoidance, and distraction from these ex
fear as your ally
How different would life feel if you embraced fear as your ally, your guide, your mentor, helping you to uncover every hook and weight holdi
inside out resolutions
The problem isn’t with aspiring to grow and evolve. It’s that the entire premise of changing ourselves based upon our best (but ultimately
you deserve more you
You deserve to be too busy unleashing the magnificence of your relationship to your soul to be distracted by any other nonsense.
pen your story wisely
The most important storyline in these chapters is the one that reveals exactly how the adversity, the unknown, the overwhelming “breakdown”
breaking up with "you"
What does it take for you to end an unhealthy relationship with someone you’re deeply connected to? --usually distress or heartbreak...
fire your pr manager
People will misunderstand you. People will likely misrepresent you (at one point or several). These are not your concerns. Your job is...
i am not a number
Age, weight, savings, debt, clothing size, social media friends, degrees, calories, repetitions, billable hours, scores, grades, likes…...
shake it off
When was the last time someone said or did something that made you think less of yourself? If you’re like most of us, it probably...