it's not you, it's me
Are you afraid to tell your spouse how you really feel? Are you terrified about making that big career change? Are you fearful of...
exclusively yours
This truth is so imperative to understand that it’s nearly impossible to narrow down and select the right words to convey the magnitude...
open to love
Right this very moment, exactly as you are, you are worthy of love. It doesn’t matter if you’ve brushed your teeth yet, if your to-do...
only the best
Dearest You, There's no need to be afraid of a good thing. You're meant for the very, very best. Love, Me
Dearest You, Your life is a gift to the universe-all of us, truly. You deserve to be appreciated and celebrated wildly. Love, Me
a la carte
Life is constantly presenting you with countless options. Do not accept your fear based ego’s belief that there is only ONE decision to...
conquer your fear
The most common force causing us to fail to reach our full potential or recognize our true greatness is fear. The funny thing is that...
different isn't difficult
It is incredibly common to habitually say out loud that it is “easier” to stay in the status quo. However, if your awareness is being...
manage your backseat driver
Your soul is entirely LOVE, and seeks connection with your highest consciousness and with others in ways only your energies are capable...
deepest desires
In an effort to protect ourselves, we often hesitate to speak the truths of our heart. Afraid that sharing how we feel, what we want or...