shine baby
There’s nothing gained in playing small, diminishing your light or diluting your energy. You are on this earth to be the person only you ca
YOU are the light
The sooner you face the things that feel unbearable and boldly walk through the dark jungles that haunt your mind, you’ll discover these fea
better than normal
The true meaning of “normal” has no life or vigor and yet our fear-based egos desperately watch, measure and assess how who we are and what
Courting My Creative Process: How I Got Real With My Authentic Self
Here’s the vital and uncomfortable truth: We don’t ever feel confident about doing something until AFTER it’s already done. My habit of play
plan B
More importantly, every time you invest yourself in your “Plan B” (C, D, E…) you effectively send the message to yourself that you either do
you can do hard things
True peace is found in facing your fears head on - thus learning the infinite power of your spirit and permanent connection to love in any a
life is happening NOW
Dearest You, Any holding your breath waiting to be safe, loved, settled... is only suffocating the already worthy parts of you ready to...
walk on
When people intend to make you feel small, the answer isn't to shrink - it's to move on. And so you must. Boldly.
you deserve more you
You deserve to be too busy unleashing the magnificence of your relationship to your soul to be distracted by any other nonsense.
breaking up with "you"
What does it take for you to end an unhealthy relationship with someone you’re deeply connected to? --usually distress or heartbreak...