repeat after me
When fear triggers the fight-flight-freeze response, one of the first things the body does is restrict breathing. While this automatic...
How often have you convinced yourself of a story about your experience that you later discovered was entirely off base? This frequently...
chart your own course
Do you ever feel anxious returning from vacation? Somewhere between where you’ve been and home the to-do lists start sneaking in… the...
your call
We’ve spent some time talking about how important it is to feel all of the feelings, that you have permission to access the gamut of...
inhale the love
We give the thoughts in our heads way too much credit. The wheels turn and turn, and we presume we are getting somewhere. Yet, if we...
love for you orlando
The notion that we need to guard against one another rather than be predominately open, is a symptom of how ingrained it is to be driven...
seek the quiet wherever it may be
Most of us live lives so over stimulating that finding the peace available in quiet and stillness is something we have to deliberately...
communal roots
The trajectory of how we’ve organized ourselves socially has created the illusion that somehow it’s better, safer or more valiant to...
narrate intentionally
Great story writing frequently involves an author’s ability to set up a reader’s expectations of what is happening and then surprise them...
best practices
Dearest You, Gratitude is the life blood of every relationship—whether that’s to yourself, another person, a career, a hobby, etc. Your...