you're never less
There’s no value in feeding anxiety about the doom triggered by alleged shortcomings, missteps or failures. Saddle up to those fears—past,
let go for maximum benefits
The gifts available in trusting life’s magic are always worth more than the temporary comforts of believing you're in control.
YOU are the light
The sooner you face the things that feel unbearable and boldly walk through the dark jungles that haunt your mind, you’ll discover these fea
you've got this
It’s the assumption that some of the basic tenants of being human are WRONG, combined with running, avoidance, and distraction from these ex
with regrets
Stop falling for the invitation to be whatever someone else needs you to be. Be you.
better than normal
The true meaning of “normal” has no life or vigor and yet our fear-based egos desperately watch, measure and assess how who we are and what
time to shine: step 4
As much stress and anxiety as you suffer in self-doubt and anticipation of doing something unknown, new or avoided, you’d think you’d allow
Courting My Creative Process: How I Got Real With My Authentic Self
Here’s the vital and uncomfortable truth: We don’t ever feel confident about doing something until AFTER it’s already done. My habit of play
plan B
More importantly, every time you invest yourself in your “Plan B” (C, D, E…) you effectively send the message to yourself that you either do
fear as your ally
How different would life feel if you embraced fear as your ally, your guide, your mentor, helping you to uncover every hook and weight holdi