creative living
Dearest You, Change may be hard, but stagnation is harder. If you set your fear aside for a moment, what would you love to change today?...
lincoln logs
One of the fastest ways to shut down enthusiasm and energy for change is to overwhelm yourself by attempting to take on the entire...
exclusively yours
This truth is so imperative to understand that it’s nearly impossible to narrow down and select the right words to convey the magnitude...
lead yourself
Abandonment of this power within you reveals itself in both overt and subtle ways. The obvious moments in your life are often when you...
big, bigger, biggest dreams
Dearest You, You have already made it farther than you thought was possible. Don’t ever stop reaching! Love, Me
take a breath
Dearest You, Trust the journey. If something doesn’t appear to have “worked”, that doesn’t mean it hasn’t worked or been meaningful in...
a la carte
Life is constantly presenting you with countless options. Do not accept your fear based ego’s belief that there is only ONE decision to...
on your way
Dearest You, You have always done the best you could with what you were aware of and understood at the time. Remember the journey...
like coconut drinks
Dearest You, You have permission to take more time for the simple pleasures in life. Love, Me
playtime's NOT over
Inundated with messages to do and accomplish more, it is easy to get caught up in taking life more seriously than it often warrants. The...